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Get ready for June 30 – NOW!

When it comes to getting the most (money) from your annual tax return, there is usually a lot to think about, so we’ve identified a few options that could open the door to some opportunities to save on tax.


Dollar-cost averaging: An investor's emotional circuit breaker

The latest bout of higher sharemarket volatility reinforces the potential benefits of a disciplined investment strategy called dollar-cost averaging. It can act as an investor’s emotional circuit breaker and a means to progressively create long-term wealth.


Who pays your debts after you die?

It would be nice to think our debts magically disappear upon death however, this is not the case. If you haven’t planned in advance, financial debts can have a significant impact on those you leave behind.

Keep Winter snuffles away with Yvonne Bakin

With the onset of winter truly upon us, I thought I would share some tips for keeping healthy in winter and keeping flus and colds away. 


7 Things Healthy People Do Every Morning

My alarm is set to the song "Happy" by Pharrell Williams. It’s impossible to not smile when this song plays. This, combined with the other habits below, set the tone for a productive, happy and healthy day.