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Salary sacrifice vs personal contributions to super

Amongst the changes made to superannuation effective 1 July 2017 was the welcome and sensible move to give everyone who makes a personal contribution to super the option of claiming a tax deduction for it. Prior to this date, tax deductions on personal contributions could only be claimed by the “substantially self-employed”.


Thriving in the ‘Gig Economy’

If you’re a freelancer or contractor or maybe even a consultant then you’re part of the “gig economy”. Gone is the job for life, or even a job in the normal, employed meaning of the word. For you, work consists of short-term contracts or a series of one-off jobs. 


Is your SMSF retirement-ready?

A landmark stage in the life of a self-managed super fund is when at least one of its members moves from the accumulation phase to retirement phase.


Top 7 Foods That Boost Serotonin

Serotonin, also known as 5-HT, is a neurotransmitter released by the pineal gland of the brain. However, it has an effect on the entire body. Serotonin is best known for its positive effect on mood.


Can’t afford to buy a home? What about a share of one?

With the cost of housing sky-rocketing, a growing number of people are getting together with friends to jointly purchase a home to live in.